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Image by Taiwangun

Perform your best when lives are on the line.


For elite operators, committed to taking their health, fitness, and performance seriously.

Who we help

Image by Matt Chesin
Emergency Vehicles


Fire & Rescue

Law enforcement

first responders

why cloak?

CLOAK Tactical Performance Physical Therapy provides health and fitness support for tactical athletes.

We specialize in performance physical therapy and performance training for military, fire & rescue, first responder, and law enforcement athletes.

We optimize human performance for when lives are on the line.

Performance physical therapy in Middletown Connecticut

The Cloak Promise

100% satisfaction guarantee

You will:
Always have 60min face to face sessions with your doctor.
Always start on time for your sessions.
Never receive a surprise bill from us.

Back to doing what you love in 3 simple steps


Schedule your Free Call

We have to figure out if we are the right people for the job. During this free consultation we will find out what's going on and how we can help. At the end of the call, we'll give you our recommendation on how best to solve your problem.


The Evaluation

After your free call, if working with us is the optimal way for you to achieve your goals, we will schedule your evaluation. During this 1-on-1 60min appointment you will meet with a CLOAK Doctor for a comprehensive evaluation where you will get 100% clarity on the exact diagnosis you are dealing with. We will identify the underlying reasons why you developed your symptoms to begin with and how to resolve your pain.


The Plan of Care

Based on your specific goals and evaluation, you will be provided a road map taking you from where you are now to where you want to be.


Over the course of your care, we will:

  • Resolve your pain

  • Fix the root cause of your pain

  • Fortify that body part

  • Guild and educate you so your pain never comes back

It's Time to fix this

Lets take step one together!

NF, US Customs

"Counting on him will be one of the best decision you've made in a long time."

Image by Brad Neathery
Sign up for a free mobility program and our Newsletter. We'll never sell your information.

-Welcome to the team-

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